

  • abbr.

    prisoners of war 战俘;

  • 学习《POWS》怎么用


    Animals and World War II POWs.
    Humor as a coping mechanism: Lessons from POWs
    The role of ex-POWs' PTSD symptoms and trajectories in wives' secondary traumatization.
    Coping Activities in Solitary Confinement of U.S. Navy POWs in Vietnam
    Secondary traumatization among wives of Israeli POWs: the role of POWs' distress
    The aftermath of captivity: an 18-year follow-up of Israeli ex-POWs.
    Posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic growth among Israeli ex-pows
    PTSD 40 years later: Incidence and person-situation correlates in former POWs
    Hardiness, attachment style, and long term psychological distress among Israeli POWs and combat veterans
    German POWs, Der Ruf, and the Genesis of Group 47: The Political Journey of Alfred Andersch and Hans Werner Richter. By Aaron D.Hort...